

Create an entirely digital Point-Of-Sale system using our software for your business.

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Retail POS

Use our software to automate your restaurant's front-end operations with unified features.

    - Retailers get to process the customers transactions.

    -Includes features like CRM(Customer Relationship Management) and reporting capabilities.

    - Allows retailers to manage their business more efficiently and effectively.


QR Code For Orders

QR codes can be used to facilitate transactions and enhance the customer experience.

    - QR codes can be used to facilitate contactless payments.

    - Retailers can use QR codes to enroll customers in loyalty programs or offer rewards for repeat purchases.

    - QR codes can be used to provide customers with additional information about products.



CRM can help retailers develop stronger relationships with their customers.

    - POS systems can be used to collect customer data.

    - POS systems can be used to manage loyalty programs, which can help retailers reward customers for repeat purchases and encourage brand loyalty.

    -CRM systems can be used to automate marketing tasks.

    -POS systems can be used to track customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback.


Store Personal Information

Storing personal information for POS should be done with the utmost care and attention.

    - Collect only the minimum amount of personal information necessary.

    - Personal information should be stored securely and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access or theft.

    - Obtain consent from customers to collect and store their personal information.

    - Access to personal information should be limited to authorized personnel.
