
Empower your Restaurants and Hotels presence.

Build your buisness with.

- Restaurant Management Software

- Hotel Management Software

- Retail Management Software

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Create a online store for your Hotels/Resturants within 5 minutes

work process
  • Step 1

    Creat a online account at Gofoodee.com

    Login & Sign up for an e commerce

  • Step 2

    Add product for online store

    Add banner image, product category, product prize

  • Step 3

    Select theme & design for your online store

    There are lot of the template available, select according to your business

  • Step 4

    Launch your online store at your domain

    purchace the existing domain, upload the code on your server

  • Step 5

    Ready to sell product online

    Share the link on an e commerce store for start purchasing the product and sell online


Fast Launch

  • - Restaurant Business Software.
    - Hotel Business Software.
    - QR Code Optimization.
    - Management Systems.
    - POS (Point-Of-Sales)

feature image
  • Restaurant Business
  • Hotel Business
  • QR Codes Optimization
  • Management Software
  • POS

Advanced Features

Actionable Sale Reports to Grow your Hotel/Resturants.

  • Invoice, Order Tracking & Order Report

  • Stock Management System

  • Purchase Management System

  • Daily & Monthly Sell Report

  • Staff Management System

  • Workflow(task) Management System

  • CRM(Marketing & Lead Management Software)

  • Invoice & Bill Generate

  • Bulk edit product prize and inventory

  • Automatic all tax calculation


We have best business tool for your business

  • Billing Management Software
  • Kitchen Management Software
  • Inventory Management Software
  • Digital
  • QR Code
  • Supermarket Management Software
  • Hotel Management Software
  • Staff Management Software
  • Table Wise Billing
  • Without Table Billing
  • KOT
  • Report
  • Most Used Product
  • Order
  • Payment Tracking
  • Order Accept
  • Product Search
  • HRMS